home for the boys

These poor children also needed a father. filled with the love of Christ, Saint Jerome became, in reality, a father to the poor and needy orphan children and dedicated his life to their care. On February 6, 1531, he left his comfortable home, got rid of his fashionable attire, dressed like the poor and went to live with his children.....................
Saint Jerome Emiliani
Showing us the way

Saint Jerome Emiliani Home

Is an institution of the Somascan Fathers dedicated to the care of needy boys, providing everything possible for the needy to become useful members of the society

In Saint Jerome Emiliani Home for Children, We

  • Saves young lives by providing:
  • A safe, nurturing residential treatment home,
  • Promotes therapeutic, educational, vocational, spiritual and life skill development,
  • Nevertheless, in order to achieve this mission  to a great extent we depend on the generousity of our benefactor and Benefactresesss

saint jerome emiliani home for the boys, trans-ekulu Enugu

Saint Jerome Emiliani Home for the boys, Trans- Ekulu, Enugu is a manifestation of the legacy of Saint Jerome Emililiani in Nigeria.